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I feel strong

Having a Fontan creates a rollercoaster of emotions. But there are excellent reasons to feel confident and aim to live your life fully. Statistics are getting better and better, as people like you grow into adulthood for the first time ever. It's hard to believe this sometimes because doctors and parents can seem as if they dwell on life expectancy rather than living a full life.


If you reach 16 years of age without complications, you have more than a two-thirds chance to reach the age of 60. That's old! Decide that this is you.


You need to choose to live your life and do the things you want to do. By now, you should know your body well enough to listen to its signals and respond to it in a healthy way. You would also know that a positive outlook can help a person's mood.


Choose to be and feel strong. But don't beat yourself up if you have tougher days. That's normal for all humans.


Enjoy the stories on this page, including a series of podcasts. Everyone speaks with honesty and determination.



Meghan Roswick - hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs) - an amazing gymnast and free-style skier, she chooses to live her life with the "adrenalin pumping through her veins."

Margaret Ellis Raymond - tricuspid atresia - one piece of vision shows her sewing up dresses to cover her scar but in the next piece of vision, you see she's made the decision to wear a 

low-cut dress!

Kristy Walker - pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum - she talks about her scar and what she would have told her 12 year old self.

Livvy - hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs)- discovers she's going to meet Ed Sheeran!

Jaden Dixon, Australia - hypoplastic left heart syndrome (hlhs) - talks about the good and the bad, including her scar. 

Jo - tricuspid atresia - born in the 70s, she was one of the first people to have a Fontan done at her hospital in England.

Podcast of the Heart to Heart Series

Podcast - Supporting Young Hearts

Do you enjoy podcasts?

The Heart Foundation in Australia has produced this series covering feeling down, sex and intimacy, trauma, identity and living your best life. The best thing is that younger people are interviewed and share their personal experiences about various heart conditions. 

Search Supporting Young Hearts in your podcast platform or find it here.

About this site: I created Fontan and You in memory of our son William, who received the Fontan procedure and died from mental illness. If this site helps you navigate your life in even a tiny way, then I'll be happy. Please contact doctors or psychologists for your individual care and needs. If you have a Fontan, then you're extraordinary. I wish you every piece of positivity I have.

Cheers, Ros Marsden

Disclaimer – I don’t have medical/psychology qualifications. The information on Fontan and You is general and based on a mother's observations. However, I'm lucky to have Fontan specialists who have checked the content provided. It doesn’t address the personal facts of your Fontan or heart condition. Talk to cardiac experts, family and friends if you are acting on any information on this site to check that it applies to you.

Contact me here with any suggestions or feedback about this site. 

© 2020 Ros Marsden 

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