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School, tertiary, work

You can embrace school activities with a Fontan

Depending on your age, you will be looking at this site when you're probably at school, doing tertiary studies, employed or seeking work.


The common thread regardless of age is that you are negotiating these things with a Fontan.


There are some good resources offered by Little Hearts Matter (LHM) in the United Kingdom. This organisation focuses on people born with a single ventricle so most of their topics include the Fontan. Don't be put off by their name. They're not just about little people with a single ventricle heart. They have tons of stuff for teenagers and young adults.


They have booklets that can be read online and are downloadable. Though some things in them might relate to living in England, the information makes sense for anyone with a Fontan attending school or university. The school and university booklet are shown below with their links.


To look at all the educational resources at Little Hearts Matters:



Manage your heart health at work with a Fontan


Starting work means you are earning money which is a nice thing. Today's generation changes jobs a lot more than your parents did so don't stress if you don't like your first job.


When you are working it's safe to let your employer have knowledge of your heart conditions in case anything happens at work.


If you get tired, a lot more workplaces are letting people work sometimes from home and sometimes in the office.


As far as the Fontan is concerned, it's pretty much limitless when it comes to choosing the type of work you can do.  


Watch Meagan Houpt talk about the importance of finding a kind employer and how she approaches job interviews.



Guide for attending school with a Fontan


For school, Little Hearts Matter has this great book above for you to give your teachers. It will help them understand how to look out for you, without being in your face.

Let them know it's an online flip book, and tell them to follow the side arrows to turn pages.

Guide for attending university with a Fontan

For university, Little Hearts Matter has produced the book above,
Your Guide to University with Half a Heart

About this site: I created Fontan and You in memory of our son William, who received the Fontan procedure and died from mental illness. If this site helps you navigate your life in even a tiny way, then I'll be happy. Please contact doctors or psychologists for your individual care and needs. If you have a Fontan, then you're extraordinary. I wish you every piece of positivity I have.

Cheers, Ros Marsden

Disclaimer – I don’t have medical/psychology qualifications. The information on Fontan and You is general and based on a mother's observations. However, I'm lucky to have Fontan specialists who have checked the content provided. It doesn’t address the personal facts of your Fontan or heart condition. Talk to cardiac experts, family and friends if you are acting on any information on this site to check that it applies to you.

Contact me here with any suggestions or feedback about this site. 

© 2020 Ros Marsden 

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